What court documents should I submit with my application or renewal?
The citation, complaint, or summons indicating the specific violations/charges, and any amended complaints. Disposition documents with any plea or stipulation to the charges, court ruling, and terms of any dismissal, sentence, conviction, judgment, diversion, etc. Proof of completion of any probation, diversion or suspended imposition of sentence. If this is not available, submit the court’s case or docket summary.
Where can I obtain court documents?
Court documents can be obtained from your attorney (if you were represented) or the clerk of the court in the jurisdiction where the offense occurred. Contact the court clerk and ask how you can get copies of your case file. If the court tells you the documents are no longer available, submit an official notice from the court indicating as such.
Do I need to report charges or offenses received when I was a minor (under 18)?
No, you only need to report "adult" offenses. The only exception is if a minor was charged as an adult.
Can I submit an application if I have a misdemeanor, felony conviction, or other offense history?
Yes, all applicants must submit a pre-judge application as an initial determinant regarding the offense. In reviewing an applicant's offense or criminal history, the Board evaluates whether the individual has been sufficiently rehabilitated to warrant the public trust. In making the determination, it helps if the related facts or events, as well as the reasons the applicant deserves to be licensed or registered. The applicant should include any helpful facts that would aid the Board's evaluation. Upon appoval of the pre-judge, the applicant may then proceed with the application process.